ACOOWEE – Activity Oriented Programming of Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of sensor nodes (spots). For us the research challenge in the field of WSNs lies in the coordination of a huge amount of spots.
In the ACOOWEE (Activity Oriented Programming of Wireless Sensor Networks) project we assay how spots can be programmed so that they collaborate and fulfill a common task. The novelty of our work is that we see activities as scripts that can be executed by spots. Programming means to compose activity calls like bricks by specifying their sequence (workflow description) and the executing spot (action allocation). We are developing a framework for Sun SPOTs. We use and adapt the expressiveness of UML2 Activity Diagrams (UADs) and program UADs with Papyrus UML. Our interpreter executes them after a transformation.
We assume that the idea of the ACOOWEE project could become interesting for programming distributed operation, concurrency, synchronization and data aggregation of WSNs.
- 2008-10-01 – 2011-09-30
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard German
Dipl.-Inf. Gerhard Fuchs
Verwandte Publikationen
- „UML2 activity diagram based programming of wireless sensor networks,“ Proc. of the 2010 ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 8-13, 2010 ,
- „Poster: Programming Wireless Sensor Networks using UML2 Activity Diagrams,“ The Fifth Intern. Conf. on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, PhD/ECR Forum, Mellbourne, Australia, Dezember 2009
- „Extended Abstract: Programming Wireless Sensor Networks using UML2 Activity Diagrams,“ 8. Fachgespräche Sensornetze der GI/ITG Fachgruppe „Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme“, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 75-78, 2009
- „Ortsbezogene, probabilistische Aufgabenverteilung am Beispiel von Sensornetzen,“ Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule, Schriftenreihe der Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule Nürnberg, 2009
- „Aufgabenbeschreibung mit UML2-Aktivitätsdiagrammen am Beispiel von Roboter-Sensornetzen,“ Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, technischer Report 2, 2008