Kolloquiumsvortrag 18. März 2025, Teja Narendra (Betreuerin: Baron)

Bild Besprechungsraum 04.137
Bild der Präsentationsfläche

Behavior of Automatic Train Operation System

Automatic Train Operation (ATO) is essential for modern railway systems, enhancing efficiency, safety, and punctuality. This presentation explores the behavior, signals, and interactions of ATO systems, focusing on their integration with key subsystems such as the European Train Control System (ETCS) and the Train Management System (TMS). It examines how ATO processes inputs from these systems to calculate and distribute control actions to onboard and trackside components. Additionally, the study analyzes the flow of information, key triggering signals, and the role of trajectory planning. While this research does not include direct implementation, it provides valuable insights into the functional aspects of ATO and its impact on railway automation.


Zeit: 10:15 Uhr

Ort: Raum 04.137, Martensstr. 3, Erlangen


An Zoom-Meeting teilnehmen

Meeting-ID: 687 2310 6808
Kenncode: 245637